Friday, May 25, 2012

Human Rights Collective Security will diplomatically END global Jesuit domination in Commerce!

As a private international sui juris (legal expert) in human rights law, we are charging you men at the UN in Geneva for the following;

You men have defrauded the economies of the modern commercial world with worthless an inflationary private imf debt instruments; You have deceived humanity away from the true lineage of Kristos - Christ (he Anointed One of Ethiopia), and have violated the divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all.

You have politically persecuted Abba Jahnoy (father majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I), my Righteous Human Rights Ambassador (servant for humanity), with religious false propaganda and commercial apostasy.

Therefore, since Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty of Ethiopia) have gifted all sovereign (politically free) Lion of Judah in Ethiopia authority to the absolute divine Anointed Wolde (Son) by adoption of Menfis Qidus - Holy Spirit (Elect of God’s intelligence), then this is what the sovereign Lord (political master) Abba Jahnoy of intellectual armies has said, ‘just as you men have defrauded humanity with worthless an inflationary private imf debt instruments, so shall I an I diplomatically enlighten them to sovereign money mint for equal and fair, free international commercial trade for their priceless indigenous peoples;

And just as you have deceived humanity into believing false messiahs and Roman images, I an I will send a living human rights representative, who will politically manifest at the UN in Geneva, with the Voice of humanity in ‘collective security - all for one and one for all’ under international human rights law of fundamental equality for all;

and just as you men have violated an continue to trample upon the divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality that was administered by the Emperor of Ethiopia, I an I will peacefully depose you men in universal love (obey UN law of equality), and diplomatically raise up the ‘Chief Diplomatic Mediator - interpreter of the universal human rights law of fundamental equality for all’, so that I an I may be universally recognized as Abba Jahnoy’s universal human rights ambassador (servant for humanity) Today.

For the Ethiopian stone which was politically rejected by you crooked Jesuit bankers, will become the head cornerstone at the UN in Geneva;

and finally, for the reason your artificially created commercial world of imf debt & excessive USURY, have politically persecuted our Abba Jahnoy's divine covenant (sacred agreement - UN charter) with all humanity, as he was a Righteous Human Rights Ambassador (servant for humanity), You men will be politically exposed and commercially dethroned off your self assuming, haughty and presumptuous Vatican unholy see throne, while becoming universally recognized as the men of international lawlessness.

For those who exalt themselves with worthless an inflationary imf debt instruments (Federal Reserve Jesuit Notes), will be diplomatically humbled by the universal human rights law of fundamental equality for all, and those who humble themselves to the universal human rights of fundamental equality, shall be diplomatically exalted with sovereign money mint for equal an fair, free international commercial trade between all the priceless indigenous people of earth (193 member nation states)

Our Righteous Abba Jahnoy is in universal opposition to your presumptuous ‘New World Jesuit Supremacy Order’ – imf globalization policies – global Jesuit domination (political genocide) in Commerce, is he not?

Well, we have diplomatically found His Imperial Majesty’s righteous debt free UN Planetary Kingdom of Equality in Righteousness - NEW WORLD LION OF JUDAH (Kristos)
ORDER – One Sovereign (politically free) World Government, which he has established for ALL humanity, as a Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty of Ethiopia) of many bankrupt nation states today; and we MUST now Repent (turn away) from global Jesuit domination by renouncing political allegiance to constitutional commercial bondage, so that we (humanity) may actualize a new debt free diplomatic l.i.f.e. (living in full equality) after commercially living under so much fictitious astronomical national debts.

if judges corrupt the law, politicians corrupt our international human rights (diplomatic privileges), doctors corrupt our health, and lawyers corrupt our wealth because imf debt instruments is the ROOT cause of all Jesuit commercial evils being felt? Then Jesuit credit money creates a monetary disease which causes imf corruption in the mind of undignified human beings.

Therefore, we can no longer accept private debt instruments (worthless & inflationary IMF-FED credits) as incentive for pay or to value our goals and achievements in any petty capitalistic way; but instead, by restoring the sovereign Dignity (value) in the divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all, we would re-establish the universal gold an silver standard to enable us to balance the commercial scales of international free trade, which would desist any further international FRAUD!

this would self empower all 193 bankrupt nations states to discharge (write off) their fraudulent astronomical national debts; for by exercising public policy House Joint Resolution (HJR) 192 June 5, 1933, which grants the diplomatic privilege (international human right) of discharging paper dollar for paper dollar, as long as a country has sovereign money mint for equal an fair, free international commercial trade for their priceless indigenous people - human beings with internationally secured an diplomatically protected indigenous human rights

this is why our political unity becomes imperative for diplomatically standing against intransigence to universal human rights reason under the divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all.

1the 955 Ethiopian constitution (mind an body) is the true bread  (tewahedo redemption doctrine) that came from the ecclesiastical Empire of Ethiopia (heaven), and the divine covenant (UN charter) is the true blood (human rights works) that grants diplomatic remission of commercial sin (transgressing UN law of equality) TODAY

Are we to continue to propagate a political fraud (living a commercial lie of inequality for the popes benefit) under global Jesuit domination (political genocide) in Commerce; or are we willing to explore the immeasurable opportunities in the divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all, so we can propagate our universal human rights faith, which will intellectually conquer this bankrupt commercial world under imf darkness (debt), that will inevitably fall,,,,selah!

rest assured though, that with universal human rights faith in the divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all, indomitable courage to stand up with international human rights morality at the UN treaty organization in Geneva,

and an Ethiopian Noble's just cause of universally liberating 193 member nation states from their fictitious astronomical national debts, the true divine Son of humanity, the star Seed of David (he who is well pleasing to the LAW), as the Scion of Zion - Heir of Ethiopia, shall diplomatically stand against global IMF Apostasy, and reclaim His Father Majesty's (Abba Jahnoy's) Imperial throne of David (he who is well pleasing) in Ethiopia!

Revelation of His Imperial Majesty's Promised Return (essence) 2012!: 
Kristos - Christ (the Anointed One of Ethiopia) manifested in flesh (political status) today!...

Spiritual Lyrical Alchemy 2012!: 
The Anointed One of Ethiopia (Kristos - Christ) Speaks against global IMF Apostasy today!

Implement Human Rights or Commercially Perish with Jesuit Rites (customs an traditions)... 

Mesfin Haile

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